The E-Rate program, which has provided $25 billion in subsidies since 1996 to schools from the Federal government for broadband, internal wiring, and networking equipment, hasn’t correlated with increased test scores among students in North Carolina, a recent study shows.

The Hillary Clinton campaign is building on President Obama’s efforts in 2012 to create an edge over Donald Trump by using data mining to influence voters and affect the course of the presidential election. Data mining can target individuals and tailor political advertisements to show voters what they’ll most likely want to hear about. For […]

The FBI has launched a campaign to improve industry reporting to its Internet Crime Compliant Center (IC3) in major cities across the United States. “IC3 is often the first piece of the investigative puzzle. We receive victim complaints and then analyze, aggregate, and exploit those complaints to provide law enforcement with comprehensive reports that can […]


The Obama administration is working on a plan to elevate the status of the United States Cyber Command and separate it from the National Security Agency, according to Reuters. U.S. Cyber Command will focus on developing cyber weapons to punish hackers and combat adversaries such as ISIS. After this transition, U.S. Cyber Command would become […]

An emergency responder trying to extinguish a wildfire in California can now receive immediate advice from a topography researcher at a remote university. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) announced on Monday the Next-Generation Incident Command System (NICS). NICS is a Web-based platform that can be accessed on mobile devices; […]

Since 2003, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has settled HIPAA violations to the tune of $36 million, with the two most recent settlements coming from Oregon Health & Science University and the University of Mississippi Medical Center. HIPAA protections are granted by three separate, yet related, rules. The first one, the HIPAA Privacy Rule, […]

The Presidential Directive that defined roles and responsibilities of Federal agencies in the event of a cyber incident is being applauded as a step in the right direction by private sector cybersecurity companies. “Better defined coordination amongst government cybersecurity stakeholders is welcomed,” said Blue Coat CTO Aubrey Merchant-Dest. “Clarification on who to contact is important, […]

The Department of Energy is investing $19 million to improve the efficiency of the nation’s buildings. This investment will aim to develop advanced building technologies that will help Americans save money on utility bills, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and create jobs. “[Improving efficiency] presents one of our best opportunities for cutting Americans’ energy bills and […]

The Superpublic Innovation Lab – announced earlier this year – is now open in San Francisco.  The lab seeks to foster innovation and progress for the city through cross-sector collaboration, bringing down the walls among academia, state, and Federal government leaders. The lab is a product of the partnership among the Office of Innovation, the […]

If you want to get down to the nitty-gritty on the techie side of telemedicine, Jim Custer, the director of product development in the health care division of Yorktel, is your man. For more than 30 years, Yorktel has been the video managed services partner around the world for some of the largest business and […]

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