Small, remote Alaskan villages that are alienated from large power sources increasingly rely on microgrids as a practical energy solution. According to a blog post from Matt Erskine, deputy assistant secretary of the Economic Development Administration, Alaska stands as a leading pioneer in microgrid technology.

Millennials, often referenced as the first digital generation, are usually seen as more tech savvy compared to their baby boomer counterparts. However, despite being raised with technology at their fingertips, numbers show millennials are more “lost in the sauce” than baby boomers when it comes to mobile cyber hygiene.

Congress has passed an appropriations bill to fund increased medical care for military veterans–particularly women–a burgeoning contingent of the vet population. The fiscal year 2017 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill, passed April 18 by the House and May 19 by the Senate, proposes to increase VA appropriations to $74.9 billion–an increase […]

The White House is seeking the advice of some of the country’s youngest scientists through Thursday’s launch of a kid science advisers program, which allows students to submit their thoughts and ideas on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education. “Today I can announce that we are launching a Kid Science Advisers campaign,” President Barack […]

Cyber hygiene is essential for combating the modern, professional hacker, according to Symantec Security Response director of project management Kevin Haley. “When cyber criminals work in call centers, write documentation, and take the weekend off, you know it’s a profession,” he said.

Connecticut, Illinois, Louisiana, Nevada, and Oregon will participate in a policy academy on developing and implementing comprehensive cybersecurity strategies, the National Governors Association announced. “Threats to our cybersecurity remain one of the most significant homeland security challenges facing the nation,” said Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

The new reality of elections in the United States is a return to paper ballots. They’re a semi-high-tech optical scan ballot that is first marked by the voter and then processed by an optical scanner to tabulate the votes.

Six states–Arizona, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and Virginia–are participating in a learning lab on improving the use of data to drive efficient decision-making in policymaking, the National Governors Association announced.

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