A new online crime mapping tool launched by the St. Louis, Mo., Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD) aims to help the city’s residents stay informed and increase transparency around crime prevention.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed a new Executive Order (EO) on Nov. 20 that aims to protect the state’s critical infrastructure from potential cyberattacks directed by the Chinese government.
The Oregon Broadband Office, through its Broadband Deployment Program, has announced it will award $133 million to support the construction and deployment of high-speed, reliable wired broadband internet service at more than 10,000 unserved locations in the state.
The city of Los Angeles is partnering with Clariti and Unisys to overhaul the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety’s (LADBS) permitting system and implement a new solution.
Hawaii has received a $72 million grant from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP).
The city of Detroit announced that it will accept cryptocurrency payments for taxes and other city fees, making it the largest U.S. city to do so. The city also said it’s making a significant push to welcome blockchain entrepreneurs into the city.
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) has been awarded a $130 million state grant to modernize the city’s Muni’s train control system and make the Muni metro more efficient and reliable.
Reps. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., and Dale Strong, R-Ala., introduced a new bipartisan bill on Thursday that aims to improve and expand the CyberCorps Scholarship for Service (SFS) Program.
The New York City Police Department (NYPD) will begin using drones as a stand in first responder to improve both public safety and the safety of human first responders.
The Virginia Veterans Network (VVN) – a new online one-stop information resource for Virginia veterans, transitioning service members, and their families – will link hundreds of organizations in one platform to ensure that veterans and their families receive the best resources at all life stages.