The Biden administration is proposing that the Federal government take a giant leap into the national broadband service market – traditionally the province of the private sector – in order to close persistent service availability and affordability gaps across the United States.

The Trump administration is touting increased broadband deployment in rural communities stemming from financial investments and governmentwide connectivity programs, per the American Broadband Initiative Progress Report released today.

Some states refused to turn over voter data to the White House on June 30, saying that the data requested contains sensitive information and could be used for political purposes. President Donald Trump signed an executive order in May that established the Commission on Election Integrity, which investigates instances of potential voter fraud. The commission asked the states to turn over all publicly available voter data.

The White House Cancer Moonshot has placed a large importance on data, and there are many ways in which that data can be improved, according to cancer experts.

The Obama administration awarded $80 million in investments in smart city initiatives that have innovative ways to protect the environment, update transportation, increase public safety, and transform city services. The number of participating cities has doubled since September 2015, when the White House first launched the Smart Cities Initiative, exceeding 70 communities.

The White House announced that it’s launching the Data Driven Justice initiative, which intends to use data to decrease prison recidivism and improve response and care for at-risk and mentally ill citizens.

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