Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead named Tony Young as the new Director of the Department of Enterprise Technology Services (ETS) and state chief information officer.
“I am delighted to have the confidence of the governor and I look forward to working the finest and most professional information technology team in the country,” said Young. “I am honored to join the team at ETS.”
Young will oversee the state’s information technology and computer systems in order to achieve government goals. Young will replace Flint Waters, who will join the Google for Work team in early October.
“I have known and worked with Tony Young for many years. He currently serves as my deputy chief of staff,” said Mead. “He has been an integral part of my effort to enhance technology infrastructure from the Unified Network to the establishment of ETS. I believe he will continue Wyoming’s reputation as a technology leader and to develop the work of ETS.”
Young has been Mead’s deputy chief of staff since 2011. Young has also served as head of Wyoming’s Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee, special agent with the Division of Criminal Investigation, and the State of Wyoming’s first certified forensic computer investigator.
Wyoming was the first state to fully transition to the cloud using Google’s services and won an award in the Enterprise IT Management Initiatives category from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers’ (NASCIO) on Monday.
“ETS has distinguished itself and helped to make Wyoming a leader in technology,” said Mead.