The state CIO job description is in need of an update. Gone are the days when state CIOs served as service providers–they now oversee a diverse portfolio of services and service providers.
In a report released April 18, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) highlights the need for a new state CIO operating model. In its report, NASCIO explains that the majority of state CIOs see themselves evolving to be a “broker” of services.
“In today’s multivendor marketplace for IT services, the CIO Broker functions as an intermediary who arranges, organizes, and orchestrates service fulfillment between many different IT service providers,” the report explains. “The CIO Broker also oversees the operation of a marketplace for government customers. As a broker, the CIO is enabling engagement with customers, technology markets, and government stakeholders to improve service delivery for citizens.”
NASCIO believes that adapting to a broker model could help state CIOs become more effective leaders and influencers across their enterprises.
Last month’s report is only the beginning. NASCIO is conducting a year-long research project on the topic of multisourcing and bringing together of multiple service providers, both internal and external, using a new operating model. NASCIO is hoping to provide states a path forward into the CIO as a broker model, as well as best practices for states to follow.
“States are advancing in their service and technology portfolios to include a wide variety of partners, technologies, and underlying architectures,” said Craig Orgeron, co-chair of the NASCIO Enterprise Architecture & Governance Committee and CIO of Mississippi. “We have to employ a new operating model that will provide the critical capabilities for effectively organizing and managing these elements, so they can be orchestrated to deliver a set of coordinated solutions across the state government enterprise.”
The group will release a final report at the NASCIO Annual Conference in October of this year.
As technology evolves, so does the role of state CIOs. Looks like their job description is ready for an update to match their new responsibilities.