The National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) established the Center for Intergovernmental Partnership (CIP) to strengthen collaboration and cooperation among leaders at all levels of the U.S. government.
CIP will ensure a national forum to bring elected officials and their senior advisors together, from all levels of government and all political perspectives, to pursue their shared purpose to represent the broader public interest in public affairs.
“Effective problem-solving requires Federal, state, and local governments to work successfully together, and often with the private and nonprofit sectors,” said Terry Gerton, president, and CEO of the Academy, in a press release issued today. “We are excited to launch the Center for Intergovernmental Partnerships. Through cutting-edge research and bringing practitioners across silos together, the center will identify leading practices and develop new approaches to help all levels of American government work together more effectively.”
CIP will initially work to create more effective intergovernmental partnerships at all levels in areas like:
- To identify the best practices for establishing accountability and visibility for national recovery programs.
- To examine the current state of coordination between Federal, state, local, and tribal governments. And recommend new organizational arrangements to facilitate rapid and clear communication.
- To establish a new, national, trusted source of information and insight that improves the performance of intergovernmental systems.
Additionally, CIP’s will also utilize significant funding from Congress to combat COVID-19, including the CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan. The National Association of Counties of CARES Act funding highlighted the need for a better coordinated national response to manage complex and pressing programs. And, according to a study NAPA released, this will continue to be the case for future emergency and national recovery funding.