The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has tapped Mission Critical Partners (MCP) to help the agency overhaul the state’s criminal justice information systems and operations.
That help is coming in the form of a five-year contract to MCP to modernize systems and operations used by DPS to support its Crime Records Division.
“We are honored to partner with such an innovative organization as Texas DPS as it embarks on its multiyear journey to modernize its criminal-justice information systems,” said Darrin Reilly, MCP’s president and chief executive officer.
In a press release, MCP said its project team will consist of subject-matter experts (SMEs) who will initially assess the current state of crime-records data and technology systems, and then will develop short and long-term strategic plans for enhancing the division’s technologies and operations. The SMEs also will support the potential development of requests for proposals for potential technology replacements and upgrades, and the eventual implementation of statewide technology and service enhancements.
The project will include up to 14 interrelated criminal justice systems used by the state’s law enforcement and non-criminal justice agencies.
The state said the overhaul will eventually result in is first-ever Terrorist Offender Registry. The registry is the result of recent legislation in the state requiring convicted terrorists to register with the Texas law-enforcement community if they reside in, or plan to move to, the state.