Ohio Governor Mike DeWine appointed Kirk Herath as the state’s cybersecurity strategic advisor, a new position created within DeWine’s administration.
In his new role, Herath will guide Ohio’s wide-ranging cybersecurity efforts across agencies, including the Adjutant General’s Office, the Ohio Department of Administrative Services, and the Ohio Department of Public Safety.
“Throughout my tenure as governor, my administration has worked to stay ahead of the curve in being prepared to prevent cyberattacks against the state government, but we can always do more to be prepared,” said DeWine in a press release.
With cyber threats changing every day, the creation of this new position is critical to help keep the state and its citizens safe. Herath’s years of experience, according to DeWine, will help ensure Ohio leads the nation in cybersecurity and resiliency and its cybersecurity workforce.
Herath currently serves as chairman of CyberOhio, the state’s Cybersecurity Advisory Board. CyberOhio was established in 2016, during DeWine’s term as Ohio attorney general, as a collection of cybersecurity initiatives aimed at helping Ohio businesses and private companies protect themselves against cyberattacks. CyberOhio’s advisory board will take a significant role in advising Herath in his new position.